The Belief in Moshiach

"Ani Ma'amin" - A Song of Ultimate Faith

Posted in Music, The Belief in Moshiach

"Ani Ma'amin" - A Song of Ultimate Faith

The Rebbe of Modzitz, Rabbi Shaul Yedidya Elazar, had Chassidim throughout the major towns and cities of Poland. One of these was Reb Azriel David Fastag, who was noted for his exceptional voice throughout Warsaw. In spite of the terrible decrees, the yellow patch and the ghettos, most Jews could not fathom what was about to befall them. 

Inside the crowded cars, over the clatter of the cattle cars' wheels, rose the sounds of people gasping, sighing, weeping and dying. One could hear the stifled cries of children crushed together. But in one such car, headed toward the infamous death camp Treblinka, the sound of singing could be heard. 

Moshiach as a Central Component of Judaism

By Rabbi Yoel Kahan Posted in The Belief in Moshiach

It is the custom of many congregations to recite poetic form of the Thirteen Articles of Faith, beginning with the words Ani Maamin-"I believe''-every day after the morning prayers in the synagogue. In his commentary on the Mishnah (Sanhedrin, chap. 10),

Where is Moshiach mentioned in the Scriptures?

By Ask Moses Posted in The Belief in Moshiach

The Scriptures are replete with messianic quotes. In Deuteronomy 30:1 Moshe prophesies that, after the Jews have been scattered to the four corners of the earth, there will come a time when they will repent and return to Israel where they will fulfil all

Awaiting Mashiach

By Rabbi Yitzchok Ginsburg Posted in The Belief in Moshiach

The message of Mashiach is that the world is not perfect, and its imperfection is not only the result of a few minor flaws; there is something fundamentally wrong, incongruous, and anomalous about the very fiber of existence. There is a vision of how G-d

Does it makes sense to hope?

By Yisroel Rutman Posted in The Belief in Moshiach

Some would argue that hope is just another tool in the survival kit of homo sapiens, packed into our genetic code along with the instructions for fear and adrenalin, but that it has no rational basis. Does it makes sense to hope?

Faith in Moshiach - Explained

By Rabbi Manis Friedman Posted in The Belief in Moshiach

Perhaps the faith in Moshiach can be compared to trust and faith we have in life. No matter what happens to us, we never stop believing that life is good and that it is worthwhile.  There has always been senseless murder and rape. Yet have we ever co

Isn't Moshiach a utopian dream?

By Ask Moses Posted in The Belief in Moshiach

There is no doubt that today, if channelled correctly, man has all the resources necessary to create a good standard of living for all mankind. He lacks only the social and political will. Moshiach will inspire all men to fulfil that aim.