How do you expect me to want the Messiah, when my enjoyments in life are discos, TV and videos?

Disco, TV and videos are quite shallow forms of enjoyment. For example, when you finished watching a video, you don't feel like a million dollars, whereas when you finish doing a big favor for a needy person you feel great. Can you imagine feeling like that all the time?
It is a fact that meaningful, spiritual pleasure is more potent than physical pleasure - in every area of life. You mention that you like discos. Why? Because music plays on the emotions. The very same lyrics of a hit song, if said in monotone, wouldn't sell a single album. Music touches the emotions in a way that words cannot.
We value friendship more than anything, we feel great when we have finally figured out some intellectual concept which we had difficulty grasping, and we value affection more than physical intimacy.
There is a reason why so many wealthy people - people who have everything they desire: mansions, vacations, sex, etc. - turn to religion to inject some meaning into their shallow lives.
The Era of Moshiach will usher in the ultimate pleasure - the pleasure of basking in G-dliness. Trying to comprehend what this is all about is like trying to explain colors to someone who is blind since birth. But one thing is certain: all other pleasures will pale in comparison to it. As the Rambam says "all delicacies will be like dust," they will be as plentiful, and valuable, as dust.