Chanukah's Message of Hope
Written by Based on a talk by the Lubavitcher Rebbe Posted in Holidays
In the time of King Antiochus, the fate of the Jewish people seemed grim indeed.

In the time of King Antiochus, the fate of the Jewish people seemed grim indeed. The vastly outnumbered Maccabees were up against the world's most sophisticated military machine. They faced opposition from within, as well. Many of their brethren were meek, complacent, and all too willing to forsake their heritage and assimilate into the Hellenistic culture. It was the proverbial "darkest hour before the dawn." Yet, sure enough, with the dawn, came the miraculous, unprecedented victory. With G-d's help and against all odds, the Maccabees were able to reclaim the Holy Land and re-dedicate the Holy Temple.
Throughout the ages, Chanukah has signified the miraculous triumph of the weak over the strong, the pure over the impure, the righteous over the wicked. Whenever the integrity of the Jewish people is under siege, no matter how dark the night, the Chanukah lights proclaim with confidence that the dawn of deliverance is near.